Sharp Solar Plant Starts Operations at Jakabaring Sports City in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
July 25, 2018
Full view of Solar Plant
This year is a commemorative year marking the 60th anniversary of diplomatic establishment beteeen Indonesia and Japan. Over these years, both countries have cooperated in various economic and cultural ways.
Under such circumstances, utilizing the Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) Subsidy Program run by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, aiming to support low-carbon technology projects in developing countries, a new 1.6MW solar power plant has been completed at Jakabaring Sports City in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
A scene from the venue set up on site
On Saturday, June 30, an opening ceremony was held on site. Over 100 attendees helped made the ceremony a great success.
This solar power plant is a joint operation between Sharp Energy Solutions Corporation (SESJ) and Perusahaan Daerah Pertambangan Dan Energi (PDPDE), a local energy solutions company.
First, President Arief Kadarsyah of PDPDE explained the process of constructing the project and overview of the power plant, followed by words of gratitude toward relating parties such as the local government, central government and SESJ.
Following, the branch manager of West and South Sumatra Jambi Bengkulu of Indonesian national power supply company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) explained the power supply situation in the country of Indonesia, which is consisted by tens and thousands of islands making it difficult to extend power lines, and therefore split power technology is required, and commercial capital is expected to realize such requirements, together with the explanation of needs to reduce greenhouse effect gas.
Greetings from PDPDE
From SESJ, Tatsuya Satoh, Managing Director attended and expressed our appreciation to the support of Indonesian parties such as the South Sumatra government led by the governor, Indonesia JCM office, PLN, and Energy Ministry members, along with the support of JCM project provided by the Japanese government. Also introduced was the plan to conduct monitoring of the project over the next 17 years together with PDPDE.
Tatsuya Satoh, Managing Directory of SESJ
Member from Japan Embassy in Indonesia also attended the ceremony. Greetings were given as this was a joint project utilizing JCM launched prior to a big sports event to be held in South Sumatra. It was also mentioned the bonds between both countries was further enforced on this commemortive 60th year of diplomatic establishment.
Following, member from reuseable energy office of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Governor Alex Noerdin of South Sumatra made speeches.
Greetings from Japan Embassy in Indonesia
PDPDE presented a commemorative shield to the attending members.
Members holding commemorative shield
from 2nd to left: Tatsuya Satoh, SESJ Managing Director,
Arief Kadarsyah, PDPDE President,
Governor Alex Noerdin of South Sumatra and others
The presenters then conducted a ceremony pushing a button together, and siren rang throughout the venue.
A scene from the ceremony
More than 20 media members attended the ceremony asking many questions about solar power technology, showing their strong enthusiasm toward the power plant set up in this area.
End note
After experiencing many difficulties, engineers involved from Japan and Indonesia formed a strong relationship and friendship. They showed us a great smile together attending the ceremony.
Engineers from Japan and Indonesia attending the ceremony
The power plant status is monitored at the SESJ office in Japan as well, and information is well shared between both parties.
Remote monitoring from office in Japan
Sharp has aggressively constructed and operated solar power plants throughout the world, and contributed to reducing the emission of greenhouse effect gas. We will continue this contribution with our technology and quality nurtured in Japan.
Sharp Solar Global Website
News Release – Sharp Constructs Mega Solar Plant in Jakabaring Sports City, Indonesia
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