A doctor car installed with Plasmacluster ion generator is making its rounds in Kenya

November 8, 2016


The Republic of Kenya, located in East Africa, has been widening the range of our Plasmacluster activities.

Sharp’s Plasmacluster ion generator has been installed in a doctor car developed for The Kenya Red Cross Society by Toy Factory Co., Ltd.


Footage of “Medical Outreach” using doctor cars by the Kenya Red Cross Society





Doctor cars go to regions where medical services prove to be difficult. These cars offer “Medical Outreach” services such as general examinations, prenatal/maternal and infant/toddler checkups, as well as prevention of infectious diseases. The car has been making its rounds in the Garba Tula district of Isiolo County, located in the north-eastern area of Kenya.

We have received positive feedback from both local staff and patients saying that they are all very happy to receive medical attention in a hygienic environment with Plasmacluster technology.



The doctor car was displayed at the sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI) held in Nairobi, Kenya on August 27 and 28, 2016. Many participants, including high-ranking government officials from Japan, members of the African government, Red Cross Society, United Nations organizations, and medical-related NGOs showed great interest in the car.




There are high hopes for the doctor car, such as making future rounds in other African and South Asian regions that do not have stable medical infrastructure. We will be pleased if our technology can be a little help in this project.

