Sharp employees participated in a Myanmar traffic safety campaign as a part of CSR activities

April 7, 2017


There is a phrase in our business philosophy stating that we are dedicated to “contribute to the culture, benefits and welfare of people throughout the world.” Sharp has made efforts toward contributing to a sustainable society through our business operations, which includes social action programs for local communities.

This philosophy is shared with our overseas sales companies who conduct promotion and sales activities in overseas regions. Today’s report is about the traffic safety campaign held in Myanmar.

Traffic safety campaign held in Myanmar

Sharp-Roxy Sales (Singapore) Pte., Ltd (SRS), a sales company based in Singapore, conducts sales activities in Myanmar, an area where Sharp does not have a sales base. Their presence here led to their participation in the traffic safety campaign held in nine areas in Mawlamyaing City, Mon State, for three days starting on March 3rd.

Scene from the traffic safety campaign

Myanmar is said to suffer from major traffic congestion and accidents because improvement in awareness towards traffic rules and proper behavior is needed. For this reason, raising awareness towards traffic safety has been an important issue for the country.

Traffic safety campaigns aimed at reducing traffic accidents have been conducted to allow permeation of proper behavior and rules among people of all age groups. These campaigns are promoted by MORS (Myanmar Organization for Road Safety) and the roadside assistance organization SAT Japan Road Service.

This event was conducted as the second campaign in Mon State’s Mawlamyaing City after the first campaign, held in Yangon City in November 2016, received praise from the municipal administration of Yangon and Parliament.

During the campaign, flyers with information on proper traffic manners and rules were distributed by elementary and junior high school students to drivers of motorcycles and cars. 210 individuals participated over the course of three days, including cooperation from the traffic police squad, nine elementary/junior high schools of Mawlamyaing City (supported by the Japanese Embassy in Myanmar), Mon State government officials, Overland Transportation Administration Bureau, Department of Transportation, Automobile Management Division, Mawlamyaing ambulance and Mawlamyaing rescue squads.

Members of the SRS also helped hand out flyers to drivers in hopes of raising awareness towards traffic safety.

SRS member distributes flyers

SRS activities were recognized and they received a Letter of Appreciation from the Traffic Safety Organization.

Letter of Appreciation from the Traffic Safety Organization

SRS staff and cooperating members of the campaign

Although it is difficult to travel to all sites, and our communication tends to be through email and photographs, a sense of kinship arises when we look at our colleagues taking action around the world. Saying that we are making connections with the world may be a slight exaggeration, but we would like to spread this circle of alliance in the future.